Our services are now fully resumed so please plan on visiting us in person. For on demand lessons please make use of our YouTube page or our audio sermons listed below. We sincerely look forwarding to meeting and studying God's word with you!
YouTube (On Demand): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp2WOHJ8IOXAej6hKvix9Fg
9:30 AM - Morning Bible Class (In Person and virtual)
10:25 AM / 6:30 PM - Worship (In Person and virtual)
7:00 PM - Bible Study (In Person and virtual)
(AUD) Adult Class by Rick Kelley (Visions of the Kingdom)
(MPR) Young Adult Class by Stephen L (Parables of Jesus)
(AUD) Adult Class by Lance Lindenberger (Handling Adversity)
(Virtually) FB and via Audio Conference
Philemon, Slave of Christ-P2 3.23.25 PM (mp3)
DownloadDo You Love Me 3.23.25 AM (mp3)
DownloadPhilemon, Slave of Christ 3.16.25 PM (mp3)
DownloadWho Are You Looking For 3.16.25 AM (mp3)
DownloadWoe to the Bloody City! 3.9.25 PM (mp3)
DownloadShall I Not Drink the Cup 3.9.25 AM (mp3)
DownloadAbout 'Happiness' 3.2.25 PM (mp3)
DownloadQuestions of Jesus-P6 3.2.25 AM (mp3)
DownloadAbraham's Faith 2.23.25 PM (mp3)
DownloadQuestions of Jesus-P5 2.23.25 AM (mp3)
DownloadThe Bottom Line 2.16.25 PM (mp3)
DownloadA Plague of Numbers 2.16.25 AM (mp3)
DownloadTables 2.9.25 PM (mp3)
DownloadQuestions of Jesus-P4 2.9.25 AM (mp3)
DownloadThe School of Suffering 2.2.25 PM (mp3)